Bootcamp with Friends
For self-motivated students that would prefer to work with a group of friends, or need a lower-cost, slightly less-personalized option, I offer a “Bootcamp with Friends” that walks students through the process of applying to college.
How it Works
Gather up to ten (10) friends and pick a space to meet. I'll provide an Application Workshop at four (4), four (4)-hour meetings that empower students to complete all of the tasks necessary for applying to college.
Additional hours of personalized support may be purchased separately. Some of the areas students find valuable include: Resume & Essay Editing, Application Review, College List Review, and Supplemental Essay Assistance.
The Workshop
DAY 1: Getting to Know the Brand of “You”
Selecting a College for Best-Fit Success
Social Fit: The Values Exercise
Financial Fit: Financial Literacy for College 101
Academic Fit: GPA Recalculation Realities & Standardized Test Scores
The Best Extracurricular Activities List
The Professional Student Resume
DAY 2: Your Best-Fit College List
Creating a Balanced College List
Early Action, Early Decision, Priority, Rolling and Regular Deadlines
Test-Optional, Test-Blind, Test-Preferred: What’s it All Mean?
Likely, Target, Reach, and Wildcard: How to Truly Evaluate Your Chances
DAY 3: The Personal Statement
Essay Essentials
Two Approaches to Structuring a College Essay: Narrative and Montage
Warm-up (aka Vulnerability Training)
Picking a Topic, Outlining, & Writing a First Draft
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Note: Essays will not be completed in one day, but students will have a solid start. Additional hours of editing/guidance may be purchased at a later time.
DAY 4: The Common App, College Portals, & “Housekeeping”
Intro to the Common App
Tips for Requesting Recommendations
Confetti is Everywhere – Now What? The College Portals
Additional Time for Essay, Resume, List Reviews
Need more info?
Fill out the contact form and Michelle will be in touch with you to answer any questions or to coordinate a consultation.
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Contact Info
Michelle Duncan